Vendors shall have the right to:
Inclusion of one sheet of printed material included in the swag bag. Printed material inclusion is subject to the review and approval of the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., which can be withheld in our sole discretion with no recourse available to Vendor. Final printed material is required to be with us by October 1, 2021. We recommend seeking prior feedback and approval in advance of this deadline.
It is the responsibility of the Vendor to provide, at Vendor’s sole expense, all fixtures, electricity (including power generation), shelter and signage for booths. Booth assignment and layout (including that of printed banners and materials) is subject to the review and approval of the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., which can be withheld in our sole discretion with no recourse available to Vendor. To avoid our requirement that you make day-of-event adjustments to your booth layout, we recommend seeking prior feedback and approval in advance of the event.
It is Vendor’s responsibility to comply with the terms and conditions of the ”Whitney’s Race Vendor’s – Rules and Regulations” attached hereto.
It is the responsibility of the Vendor to provide, at Vendor’s sole expense, 500 copies of one sheet of printed material for inclusion in the swag bag. Printed material inclusion is subject to the review and approval of the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., which can be withheld in our sole discretion with no recourse available to Vendor. Final printed material is required to be with us by October 1, 2021. We recommend seeking prior feedback and approval in advance of this deadline.
Vendor must commit to staffing a booth and offering services during all hours of WHITNEY’S RACE. For good and valuable considerations received, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, Chaffee Crossing, Ft. Smith Brewery, Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., and their members, officer, directors, employees, sponsors, volunteers, contractors and agents from any and all liabilities, obligations claims damages, diminution in value costs, and expenses (including all court costs and reasonable attorney fees) (collectively, “claims”) that the undersigned may suffer or incur prior to, during, or following participation of Whitney’s Race at Chaffee Crossing, including any injury to persons or property under my control or to person or property of my gents, employees or invitees from any cause, including but not limited the theft or loss of property. The undersigned recognizes the hazards of participation in an outdoor event and assumes all risks of participation. Vendor agrees that it shall abide by and the Vendor’s participation in the Event is subject to all of the terms and conditions of the ”Whitney’s Race Vendor’s – Rules and Regulations” attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, and Vendor represents and warrants that Vendor has read and understands the same.
PAYMENT IS A DONATION: In full consideration for all rights granted to you here under, you shall pay the required fees for your space. This fee must be paid in full by August 1, 2021. Refund will not be given for any reason, including in the event of inclement weather. In lieu of a refund, your fees shall be deemed charitable contributions to the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc. with no offset for value received.
Event Hours Operation:
Saturday, October 22, 2022 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m
Booth pricing : $50 DONATION for a 10×10 space which will include one 8’ table.
Booth space: Booth space consists of a designated 10×10 area. Please note that if you choose to set up a tent/canopy that all tents/canopies are to be flame-resistant. Vendors are to provide their own display materials. Electricity is not available. Upon approval, booth spaces are provided on a first come, first serve basis. Booth locations are not guaranteed. Please note we will provide one (1) 8’ table and chair.
Cancellations/Refund: no refunds will be given, the $50 is considered a charitable donation. The vendor recognizes the hazards of participation in an outdoor event and assumes all risks of participation: refunds will not be given in the event of inclement weather. Whitney’s race is a rain or shine event, however, some activities may be postponed or cancelled if threatening weather poses a danger to attendees, workers and property.
Set up/Tear Down: Vendors are allowed to come into the event perimeter and unload their goods starting at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 22, 2022. All vehicles must be moved from the event perimeter by 2:15 p.m. Vendors may come back into the event perimeter at, but not prior
to 5:30 p.m. on October 22, 2021 to tear down and load vehicles. No vehicle access will be permitted within the event premise between the hours of 2:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Conduct: At all times, Vendors (including Vendor’s agents at the Event) shall conduct themselves in compliance with all laws and regulations of the jurisdiction and venue, including but not limited to the compliance with safety regulations and avoidance of hazards. Additionally, Vendors (including Vendor’s agents at the Event) shall avoid disruptive behavior, including the use of loud sound equipment, and shall avoid any activity that is derogatory or inflammatory to the Event, the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., or other Vendors and Sponsors. Vendor agrees that should such conduct be observed by Event staff, we may, in our sole discretion, ask you to correct the conduct or close your booth with no recourse available to you.
Guidelines for Materials (printed materials and banners): Printed materials for Swag Bag inclusion shall be no larger than 8.5”x11” (a standard letter). Materials (including printed materials and banners) shall not include objectionable language or images, and shall not reflect poorly on the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., its benefactors, Event Vendors or Sponsors. Vendors are granted license to use the name and logo of the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc. and Whitney’s Race in printed materials only in combination with language indicating that Vendor is “a proud sponsor of” or that Vendor’s participation is “benefitting” the foundation and event. Use of all printed material is subject to the review and approval of the Whitney Marsh Foundation, Inc., which can be withheld in our sole discretion with no recourse available to Vendor. Vendor agrees that only approved materials may be used at the Event.
Based in Fort Smith, AR 72908
Mail Donations:
PO Box #380066
Cambridge MA